About — neyedc
NEYEDC improve and inform environmental decision making, conservation, land management and sustainable development in North and East Yorkshire through the collation, management, analysis and dissemination of biodiversity information.
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What we do

NEYEDC is the Local Environmental Record Centre for North and East Yorkshire.  We collate, manage and analyse data about species, sites and habitats from a variety of sources.  Data is incorporated into NEYEDC’s evidence base, which is used by planning authorities, developers and conservation bodies to inform decisions about land management.  We also work closely with local naturalists and societies, professional ecologists, statutory bodies and academic institutions to facilitate legitimate research and support projects in the fields of conservation and sustainable development.

NEYEDC is involved in co-ordinating the collection of new data in support of partners’ projects and to address spatial, temporal, taxonomic and functional data gaps that compromise the ability of the Centre’s evidence base to support its mission.


NEYEDC is proud to be a member of the Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union and hosts its registered office and library, which is available for access by the Union’s membership. We are part of the Yorkshire and Humber Ecological Data Network, a member of the National Forum for Biological Recording and also of the National Biodiversity Network.

We are an active and founder member of the Association of Local Environmental Records Centres (ALERC).  It promotes the standing of LERCs as the definitive source of high quality, local, capture-resolution biodiversity data to inform the decision-making process, provides representation at a national and regional level and seeks to enhance the professional standing of LERCs through its Accreditation scheme.


NEYEDC 2023 - 2024 Annual Report

Our Annual Report showcases the breadth of work the centre has been involved in over the last financial year from our work with ecological data and local partners, to the outreach and support for biological recorders that underpins our charitable work.

The 2023 – 2024 Annual Report is our first public-facing publication of this kind, designed to share our achievements with a wider audience. The report can viewed online via Issuu or you can click the image to the right to download a PDF copy.

Who we are


Simon Pickles


Simon is the Director of NEYEDC and has overall responsibility for the running of the centre and for developing its longer-term strategy. He works with current and potential partners in developing many of the projects that NEYEDC is involved in. Simon is the Accountable Manager for NEYEDC’s Drone operations and is also a CAA qualified Drone pilot.

Simon is a member of the executive committee of the National Forum for Biological Recording and sits on the RAFs Regional Airspace Users Working Group.

Email: simon.pickles@neyedc.co.uk

Mark Wills

Senior Ecological Information Officer

Mark’s work focuses on producing the data products and services relating to North Yorkshire and City of York and is closely involved with the SINC (Local Wildlife Sites) partnership for that area, managing the data collation and dissemination for the partnership. He oversees NEYEDC’s Ecological Information Service and works to develop new data products and services for both our commercial and Local Authority partners. He led on the development of a cross-boundary Ecological Information Service between the Yorkshire LERCs. Mark is also a CAA qualified Drone pilot and has successfully delivered a number of aerial surveys of sites across Yorkshire and beyond.

Mark is a Director of the Association of Local Environmental Records Centres and is currently Chair of the Yorkshire and Humber Environmental Data Network.

Email: mark.wills@neyedc.co.uk

Clare Langrick

Senior Ecological Information Officer

Clare leads the centre’s work in collecting and collating biodiversity data throughout North and East Yorkshire and works closely with our data providers across both the voluntary and professional ecology sectors. She focuses on data products and services relating to East Riding of Yorkshire and City of Hull and is a member of the East Riding LWS panel, managing the survey effort, data collation, dissemination and acting as the secretariat. Clare also produces and updates the NEYEDC policies.

Clare is the treasurer and membership secretary of the National Forum for Biological Recording and is membership secretary of the Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union.

Email: clare.langrick@neyedc.co.uk

Lucy Baldwin

Ecological Information Officer

Lucy leads on NEYEDC’s Ecological Information Service, overseeing the compilation and delivery of professional ecological data search reports. She plays an active role in our biodiversity data collection, collation, and management, including work on our reporting database utilised in local decision making. Lucy is also involved in developing and delivering our communications strategy, project work, and building relationships with local groups and naturalists across the region.

Outside of work, Lucy spends most of her time crafting, reading, or playing board games.

Email: lucy.baldwin@neyedc.co.uk

Josie Monaghan

Ecological Data Officer (technical assistant)

Josie is currently responsible for implementing the update to the Ancient Woodland Inventory (AWI) for North and East Yorkshire, which is a Natural England led project to create an accurate record of ancient woodland across England.

Email: josie.monaghan@neyedc.co.uk

Seebra Young

Ecological Data Officer (Local wildlife Sites)

Following a previous position as a New to Nature trainee, Seebra’s work now focuses on the delivery of the rolling programme of resurvey of non-statutory designated sites, Local Wildlife Sites, in North Yorkshire. Seebra is responsible for overseeing the survey process, collating, disseminating and managing data, alongside colleagues at NEYEDC. She also has a keen interest in Python and is working on applying some of these skills to automate some of our processes. Seebra enjoys engaging new audiences with NEYEDC’s work and has an active role in content creation and communications.

Outside of work she also has a special interest in botany and allotmenteering!

Email: seebra.young@neyedc.co.uk

Hannah Whitaker

Ecological Data Officer

Hannah's work focuses on the update to the Ancient Woodland Inventory (AWI) for North and East Yorkshire, and she also assists with the role of membership secretary for the Yorkshire Naturalists' Union.

Outside work Hannah's interests include birdwatching and reading.

Email: hannah.whitaker@neyedc.co.uk

Contact us

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
9AM - 5PM




01904 641631


Unit 7, Hassacarr Close, Dunnington, York, YO19 5SN

Use the form below to get in contact and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Travel by Public Transport

By Rail: The nearest station is York. You will then need to get a bus or taxi to the offices in Dunnington.

Buses from York: EYMS X46/X47/46 buses depart from York Rail station around every 30 minutes to Dunnington Common Road. Journey time approx 20 minutes, we are less than 10 minutes walk from the bus stop. York First Bus Service 10 depart from Rougier Street around every 30 minutes to Dunnington Village centre. Journey time approx 20 minutes, we are around 15 minutes walk from the village centre.

Travel by car

We are located at Chessingham Park, Dunnington which is just off the A1079 York to Hull road, approx 2 miles from the A64 York ring road. Parking is available on site.